Saturday, March 19, 2011

Continuing with progress....

Forgive my last post, I meant to write a little blurb along with the video of the teaser on the long-box but just got distracted.

The day that I posted that video I "graduated" into the multi-level classes at my studio.  Was stoked and could do the teaser - finally - though not very well.  Between you, me and the fencepost I almost feel like I cheated in getting into the multi-level classes by having a easier teacher sign off on that exercise.  I did the exercise but did not do it fully and couldn't curl up as high as I really needed to.

I've been going to the mid-level classes about half of the time but intentionally avoiding my hardest instructors.  The thought of getting into their mid-level classes and not being able to pull it off was a horrifying I continued taking their intro classes while I would take the mid-level classes from easier teachers. 

Well, fast forward three weeks.

I go into Vera's intro class, do a series of teaser prep exercises and then BAM!  I did it!  100% of the way, unassisted!  I was elated!  She was excited, I was excited.  I've practiced at home and I can do it now all the time (I think!).  I told Vera that I was so glad that she saw me do it, I really felt like I needed to earn her respect on this issue before moving onto her multi-level classes.

Hmmm...what should be my next goal...?